Press and other media
Interview with photographer Carsten Peter for Think Globally Radio, together with Hanna Sundqvist. Aired 2014-06-01 (time: 00:44:31).
Media coverage
Media coverage on the Tjuv-Ante's Cave Speleothem Project
Inkfish@discovermagazine. Photographs by Johannes Lundberg. Photographs by Johannes Lundberg.
Ny opdagelse: Drypsten er lavet af mikrober. Press release from Syddansk Universitet, published 2014-08-18. Also EurekAlert! Photographs by Johannes Lundberg.
Coverage following the press release from Syddansk Universitet, photographs by Johannes Lundberg: Environmental Montior, Red Orbit, Terra Daily, Discover Magazine, Neomatica, Sciences et Avenir, Real Clear Science, Jyllands-Posten, Astrobiology,, Science Daily, Astrobiology Magazine, Science Codex, Technology, Bio Medicine, Microbeworld, Bright Surf, Organic Today, Scintilena, Science World Report, Volcano Madness
Media coverage on the Vietnam Plant Collecting Expedition 2013
Museosaurien 2-2014. Photographs by Johannes Lundberg.
National Geographics Explorer of the Week: 500 Specimens and Counting. Text Karin dos Santos, photography Johannes Lundberg. (Published online.)
Media coverage on Hanna Sundqvist's speleothem climate project
SR Vetenskapsradion, program by Michaela Lundell on climate reconstructions using speleothems from Korallgrottan, with Hanna Sundqvist (I can only be heard in the background and is barely mentioned, rightely so). First aired 2014-01-17 (time: 00:20:00). Also see teaser published the same day.
Media coverage on the Kungsträdgården Metro Station Biogeology Project
Gaudeamus (2013): Livat i tunnelbanan. Masterstudent Lena Norbäck Ivarsson interviewed by Angelica Wågström.
Forskning och Framsteg (2012), Michaela Lundell: Unik droppstensgrotta växer fram i tunnelbanestation. Published in Forskning och Framsteg 8: 9 (also online).
SR Internationella Redaktionen, interview aired 2012-07-16 (time: 00:04:29).
SR P4 Stockholm, interview aired 2012-07-11 (time: 00:00:40).
2012-07-11 to 2012-07-12, in Swedish Media following press release from NRM about research in Kungsträdgårdens metro station: TV4 News, P4 Stockholm (radio), Radio Stockholm, Sveriges Radio Kalmar, Sveriges Radio Ekot, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen, Aftonbladet (online), Metro (online), Göteborgsposten (GP), Helsingborgs Dagblad, Ljusnan, Norrbottenskuriren, Norran, Västervikstidningen, Östersundsposten, Hela Gotland, Länstidningen Östersund, Falköpingstidning, Hallandsposten, Piteåtidningen, Blekinge Läns Tidning, Skaraborgs Läns Tidning, Nerikes Allehanda, Östgöta Correspondenten, Hallandsnyheter, Bohusläningen, Södermanlandsnyheter, Arbetarbladet, Västerbottenskuriren, Uppsala nya tidning (UNT) Norrköpingstidningar; in Finnish Media: Yle, STT Uutiset, Vasabladet, Hangötidningen, Åbo Underrättelser.
Metro (2012-08-27): De söker liv under jorden, p. 33.
Dagens Nyheter (Stockholmsdelen, 2012-07-11): Det växer i Kungsträdgårdens bergvägg, p. 8-9. Also online.
Forskningsnyheter: Grottforskning i tunnelbanan. Published 2012-06-20, Swedish Museum of Natural History.
SL (Facebook, published online 2012-06-15): Grottforskning i tunnelbanan (
Hudiksvalls Tidning (2016-09-11): En av världens längsta granitgrottor visades på geologins dag, report by Ida Frid about Geologins Dag 2016 at Bodagrottorna, Iggesund.
Morgonpasset i P3, radio interview about caves and caving, aired 2015-12-02 (time: 00:32:00).
SVT Rapport, interview about caving in relation to the cave rescue in Riesendings, aired 2014-06-11 (time: 00:01:18).
Hudiksvalls Tidning (2013): Interview by xx.