Johannes Lundberg's Curriculum Vitae
Pedagogic merits
Expeditions and meetings
Non-professional merits and interests
Johannes Elim Kristian Lundberg
Swedish citizen, born in Stockholm, Sweden, 1972
Present Address: Department of Botany, The Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 - (0)8 - 5195 42 15
E-mail: joha[click here for e-mail]
Curator at the Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History December 1, 2022 -- present.
Curator and Herbarium Manager at the Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History October 1, 2017 -- November 30, 2022.
Curator at the Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History June 1, 2017 -- September 30, 2017.
Curator at the Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History (Latin American Plants Initiative, financed by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; with Prof. Arne A. Anderberg). Leading the work with digitizing type specimens for the Global Plants Initiative GPI. May 1, 2009 -- May 31, 2017.
Researcher at the Department of Phanerogamic Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History (research on the small south African genus Geigeria with Prof. Arne A. Anderberg). Also adopting our collection database to Krypto-S (FileMaker Web Server, xslt, css, xml) March 13, 2008 -- April 30, 2009
Curator at the Department of Phanerogamic Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History (African Plants Initiative, financed by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; with Prof. Arne A. Anderberg). Working with digitizing type specimens for the African Plants Initiative API. March 13, 2006 -- March 12, 2008
Employed (project position) at the Department of Biological Education IBG, Uppsala university, as co-producer for the web-based course Linnaeus' life and sciences, May 2005 (Mariette Manktelow and Elisabeth Långström).
Employed (project position) by Prof. Birgitta Bremer, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, February 1 to July 31, 2002.
Employed (project position) by Prof. Kåre Bremer, Dept. of Systematic Botany, EBC, Uppsala University, October and November 2001.
Employed as research student (Ph.D.-student) at Uppsala University October 1, 1996 to September 31, 2001.
Summer work ("sommarjobb") at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, during several summers between 1988 and 1996 (all together six months). I worked at the Herbarium, Department of Phanerogamic Botany, first under Kåre Bremer (1988) and later under Arne Anderberg and Bertil Nordenstam. My first contact with the Herbarium was a PRAO (work experience programme) in October 1987.
Postdoc: August 2002 -- August 2004 in Prof. Tobe Hiroshi's research group at the Department of Botany, Kyoto University, Japan (financed by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science JSPS).
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Systematic Botany 18 January 2002 at the Department of Systematic Botany, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University. Primary supervisor: Prof. Kåre Bremer.
Major of Science (M.Sc.) in Systematic Botany autumn 1996. Superviosor: Prof. Kåre Bremer, Department of Systematic Botany, Uppsala University.
University Studies: Uppsala University 1991 -- 2002 (courses in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics), University of Oslo during 1995 (courses in Biology).
Elementary Education: Elementary school at Gnarp 1979 -- 1985, at Harmånger 1985 -- 1988, high school (gymnasium) at Hudiksvall 1988 -- 1991.
Pedagogic merits
Fall 2018 and 2019 I lectured a half day each at course Paleoecology, genetics and human prehistory at Stockholm university. The topic for my lecture was Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation history.
Fall 2005 I teached one week (October 3-7) at the Master Programme Management of Biological Diversity (80 points/120 ECTS credits), during the Identification and assessment of biological diversity part (5p/7.5 credits). I was responsible teacher (lector) during my part, and I teached biodiversity (Tree of Life) and basic phylogenetic theory and methods. The course is given at the Centrum for Biodiversity CBM in Upppsala as a co-operation between Swedish University of Agriculture and Uppsala university, and is partly financed by SIDA.
I have co-produced the international web-based course Linnaeus' life and sciences (5 points/7.5 ECTS credits), including writing several texts on Linnaeus' life, work and his disciples. Summer 2005 I held a lecture on the Linnaean disciple Carl Peter Thunberg and his travel to Japan as part of of the Swedish summer course Carl von Linné (5 points); my lecture was also included in the Uppsala Linnaeus week. I have also supervised some ten student at these courses.
I have been laboratory teacher at Elementary Biology Courses, and at the undergraduate courses in Systematic Botany and Systematic Biology, all at Uppsala University. I have been Field teacher in the Elementary Course in Floristics at Uppsala University, and responsible teacher for parts of the same course.
I was external examinator for Daniel Dalevi "The 16S rDNA sludge database and a systematic approach resolving phylogenetic relationships from 16S rDNA data" (M.Sc. Thesis, Molecular Biotechnology Engineering, Uppsala University School of Engineering, Mars 1999).
I participated in the Elementary Pedagogic Course for Teachers at Uppsala University, three weeks, spring 1998. I have also held a popular science lecture for the Botanical Society of Uppsala ("I Solanders fotspår: bland nässelträd och hajar i Australien", Mars 9, 1999) and a one day field excursion to Hammarskog, Uppland, with participants from the Molecular Biotechnology Engineering Programme (May, 1998).
Expeditions and meetings
Botanical Field Trips
13. Arctic Islands: Wrangel Island, Russia: July 5--August 12, 2017. Supperted by Swedish Polar Reserch Secretariate. Together with (Wrangel team:) Anders Angerbjörn, Love Dalén, Aleksei Tikhonov, Gleb Danilov, Patrícia Pečnerová, and Maria Khoreva, (Chaun team:) Rasmus Erlandsson, Susana Marques Freire, Jesper Hansson, Christine Godeau, Anders Forsberg, Peter Mortensen, Kristaps Sokolovskis, Sergey Vartanyan, and Mikhail Ettuvgi. Blog. Instagram.
12. Vietnam: April 12--June 6, 2013. Supported by National Geographic Global Exploration Fund Northern Europe. Together with Ulf Swenson, Do Van Truong, Livia Wanntorp, Lu Thi Ngan, Nguyen Quoc Binh, and Karin dos Santos. Photos.
11. Cameroon: February 24--March 10, 2007 (18th AETFAT Congress, Yaoundé, and post congress tour to southwest Cameroon).
10. Madagascar: January 9--30, 2006 (Department of Systematic Botany, Uppsala university, Department of Botany, Stockholm university, Bergian Foundation, Stockholm, and the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm; arranged by Dr. Sylvain G. Razafimandimbison, Bergian Foundation)
9. Indonesia (Lombok): November 3--17, 2003 (Department of Botany, Kyoto University; together with Prof. Oginuma Kazuo, Kochi Women's University, Dr. Azuma Hiroshi, Kyoto University, Dr. Nanda Utami, LIPI, Herbarium Bogoriense, and Deden Girmansyah, Herbarium Bogoriense)
8. New Caledonia: November 23--December 2, 2002 (Dept. of Botany, Kyoto University; together with Prof. Oginuma Kazuo, Kochi Women's University, and Dr. Tokuoka Toru, Kyoto University)
7. Australia (Queensland and New South Wales): September 11--October 14, 1998 (Dept. of Systematic Botany, Uppsala University; together with Prof. Kåre Bremer, Prof. Birgitta Bremer, Dick Andersson and Jesper Kårehed)
6. Northern Scandinavia: August 2--11, 1998 (Dept. of Systematic Botany, Uppsala University; excursion leaders: Dr. Mats Thulin and Dr. Örjan Nilsson)
5. Canary Islands (Teneriffe, La Palma): 2 weeks Mars 1998 (Dept. of Systematic Botany, Uppsala University; together with Dr. Ulf Swenson and Dr. Uta Regine Böhle)
4. South Africa (Cape Province): 3 weeks December 1996 (Dept. of Systematic Botany, Uppsala University)
3. Canary Islands (Gran Canaria), 1 week spring 1996 (Dept. of Systematic Botany, Uppsala University; excursion leader: Prof. Kåre Bremer)
2. South-west Norway, 2 weeks summer 1995 (Dept. of Systematic Botany, Uppsala University; excursion leader: Dr. Mats Thulin)
1. Canary Islands (Teneriffe), 1 week spring 1995 (Botanical Museum, Tøyen, and University of Oslo; excursion leaders: Prof. Reidar Elven and Prof. Liv Borgen)
Cave Exploration trips and Expeditions
19. Kayah 2016: Myanmar Cave Documentation Project expedition to Kayah, Myanmar/Burma, January 28-February 12, 2016. Participants: Joerg Dreybrodt (co-ordinator), Phil Bence, Marc Boreau, Urs Etter, Roman Hapka, Johannes Lundberg, and Manuela Scheuerer. [Report (pdf). Photos. Movie.].
18. Swaziland 2014: The first International Expedition to Gobholo Cave, January 3-12, 2014. Organized by Manuela Scheuerer and Johannes Lundberg. Together with Harald Bauer (Austria), Peter Blomqvist (Sweden), Thomas Exel (Austria), Edward Netherlands (South Africa), Pauline Oberender (Austria), Daneel de Prez (South Africa), Darron Raw (Swazi Trails, Swaziland), Sharron Reynolds (South Africa), Rabbe Sjöberg (Sweden) and Ljuba Sromova (Czech Republic/Sweden). [Photos].
17. Markusfjellet 2013: One week expedition, August 16-21, 2013, to Markusfjellet, Troms, Norway. Exploring and surveying Markusgrotta, with Tore Brattli, Bjørn Egil Johansen, June Lunde, Are Mellem, Christian Rushfeldt and Jan Thomas Schwenke. [T. Brattli, J. T. Schwenke and B. E. Johansen 2013. Markusgrotta i Storfjord. Norsk Grotteblad 61: 18-32.] [Photos]
16. Laos 2013: Khammouane 2013. Three weeks expedition in February-March 2013 to the province Khammouane in Laos, with Eric Ardourel, François Brouquisse, Annie Caillault, Serge Caillault, Charles Ghommidh (leader), Florence Guillot, Annie Guiraud, Bernard Hof, Sabine Lavanant, Jean-François Loyon, Jean-Michel Ostermann, Daniel Pioch, Laurence Salmon and Jean-Michel Salmon. Explored caves include Tham Houay Saï-Tham Khoun Dôn system, Tham Kathoung and Tham Tong Gnom; also a visit to Xé Bang Fai. [Photos]
15. Swaziland 2012: The first Swazi-Swedish Expedition to Gobholo Cave, Swaziland. With Manuela Scheuerer, Darron Raw (Swazi-Trails) and Sipho Twahle (Swazi-Trails). [J. Lundberg and M. Scheuerer 2013. Swazi-Svenska expeditionen till Gobhologrottan 2012. Grottan 48(1): 36-43; M. Scheuerer, J. E. K. Lundberg and R. Sjöberg 2013. Gobholo cave: a long granite cave in Swaziland (Southern Africa). Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Speleology, Brno, ed. M. Filippi and P. Bosák. Volume 3, pp. 305-307] [Photos]
14. Laos 2012: Khammouane 2012. Three weeks expedition in February 2012 to the province Khammouane in Laos, with Robin Boucher, François Brouquisse, Bernard Galibert, Charles Ghommidh (leader), Laurent Guizard, Richard Huttler, Thomas Huttler, Rémi Lucas, Michèle Mutuel, Daniel Pioch, Richard Quintilla, Laurence Salmon, Jean-Michel Salmon. Explored caves include Tham Houay Saï-Tham Khoun Dôn system, Tham Kouan Kaohong, Tham Lom, Tham Deng, Tham Pha Mou and Tham Thê. [Photos]
13. Iran 2010: International Caving Expedition 2010 to Iran (Kermanshah and Lorestan Provinces). Two weeks recon-trip in May, together with Marcin "Qb" Kubarek (leader), Alireza Balaghi, Zbigniew "Stanley" Wiśniewski, Bogusław Wypych, and several local cavers and climbers. [M. Kubarek 2010. Wiosna w Górach Zagros. Jaskinie 59(2): 17-20; J. Lundberg 2010. På resa i Zagros. Grottan 45(3): 36-44; Expedition Report] [Photos]
12. Mongolia 2008: Agoiin Sarlagood "Les Yacks des Cavernes". Four weeks in July-August, with Xavier Noguès (leader), Catherine Noiriel, Françoise Lorrin, Claire Tirefort and David Peyrat (members from G3S-AOL / FFS). [Expedition Report; J. Lundberg 2009. Aguiin Sarlagood: den fransk-svenska inte-så-många-grottor-expeditionen till Mongoliet 2008. Grottan 44(2): 16-23] [Photos]
11. Norway 2007. Tjoarvekrájgge, the thirteenth exploration week, and Burfjellet (with Hans-Øivind Aarstad and cavers from STJ, Kraków). [J. Lundberg 2007. Burfjellet 2007. Norsk Grotteblad 49: 3-7]
10. Norway 2006. Tjoarvekrájgge, the twelwth exploration week.
9. Norway 2000. Tjoarvekrájgge, the sixth exploration week.
8. Norway 1999. Tjoarvekrájgge, the fifth exploration week.
7. Norway 1998. Tjoarvekrájgge, the fourth exploration week.
6. Norway 1996. Tjoarvekrájgge, the second exploration week.
5. Norway 1995. Tjoarvekrájgge, the first Swedish-Norwegian exploration week.
4. Norway 1994. Tjoarvekrájgge, with Torbjörn Doj, Thomas Andreasson, Sofi Hemgren-Dougherty and Mark Dougherty. [T. Doj 1995. Coarvvekraige. Grottan 30(1): 45-49.]
3. Norway 1993. Discovery of Tjoarvekrájgge, with Torbjörn Doj.
2. Norway 1992. Trøndelag, with Torbjörn Doj and Gunnar Isacsson.
1. Norway 1991. Hattfjelldal, with Torbjörn Doj, Rolf Engh and others. [T. Doj 1993. Grottletning i Norge: Helgeland 1992, del 1. Grottan 28(2): 4-9; T. Doj 1993. Grottorna vid Haugland. Grottan 28(2): 13-15.]
I have also visited caves in Sweden, Norway, Spain, France, Romania, Poland (Jaskinia Czarna, Jaskinia Kasprowa Niżna, Jaskinia Zimna, Jaskinia Miętusia Wyżnia, Jaskinia Kryspinowska), Wales (Ogof Ffynnon Ddu, Porth yr Ogof, Otter Hole), Hungary (József-hegyi-barlang, Mátyás-hegyi-barlang, Pál-völgyi-barlang, Ferenc-hegyi-barlang), Czech Republic (pseudokarst caves in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mountains: Cyrilka, Kněhyňská jeskyňe), Colombia, and South Africa.
Attended Academic and Professional Meetings
21. 18th International Congress of Speleology, July 24 -- 31, 2022, Le Bourget du Lac, Savoie, France .
20. TDWG 2014 Annual Conference, October 27 -- 31, 2014, Jönköping, Sweden.
19. The 6th Latin American Plants Initiative LAPI meeting, 2013, Panamá City, Panama.
18. 16th International Congress of Speleology, July 21 -- 28, 2013, Brno, Czech Republic. [Presentations]
17. The 5th Latin American Plants Initiative LAPI meeting, 2012, Madrid, Spain.
16. TDWG 2011 Annual Conference, October 16 -- 21, 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
15. Northern Karst Systems in our Changing Environment, September 5 -- 10, 2011, Golubino-Pinega, Arkhangelsk Region, Russia. [Photos]
14. 2nd International Conference on Granite Caves, June 1 -- 7, 2011, Nynäshamn, Sweden. [Presentation]
13. The 4th Latin American Plants Initiative LAPI meeting, January 10 -- 14, 2011, Panamá City, Panama.
12. The 3rd Latin American Plants Initiative LAPI meeting, December 1 -- 3, 2009, Medellín, Colombia. Poster.
110. The 2nd Latin American Plants Initiative LAPI meeting, November 17 -- 21, 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
10. The 5th African Plants Initiative API meeting, November 3 -- 7, 2008, Cape Town, South Africa.
9. The 18th AETFAT Congress and 4th African Plants Initiative API Meeting, February 26 -- March 2, 2007, Youndé, Cameroon. Poster.
8. The International Compositae Alliance (TICA-Deep Achene), July 3 -- 7, 2006, Barcelona, Spain. Invited talk.
7. XVII International Botanical Congress, July 17 -- 23, 2005, Vienna, Austria. Poster.
6. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Plant Systematics, March 13 -- 15, 2004, Hiroshima, Japan.
5. NPSN-5, August 31 -- September 3, 2000, Lammi, Finland.
4. Nordic Phylogenetic Systematics Network NPSN-4, August 27 -- 30, 1998, Uppsala, Sweden.
3. Willi Hennig Society 1996, Cape Town, South Africa.
2. VI International Symposium International organization of Plant Biosystematics (IOPB) on "Variation and Evolution in Arctic and Alpine Plants", 1995, Tromsø, Norway.
1. 4th Pseudokarst Symposium, September 28 -- 30, 1990, Podolánky, Czecho-Slovakia.
Other merits and interests
I have been involved in caving since August 1984. During these years I have visited caves in Sweden, Norway, Poland, Hungary, Mongolia, Wales, Czech Republic, South Africa, Swaziland, Laos, Iran and Myanmar. Since 1990 I have been involved in exploring new caves in Norway, and have found and documented several new caves with lengths up to 350 metres. In 1993 I and Torbjörn Doj, Östersund, found Tjoarvekrájgge, Bonnå, Northern Norway, which since then has been mapped to more than 25km in length and about 500m in depth, ranking it as the second deepest and by far the longest cave in Scandinavia (and ranked on the NSS World Long Cave List). The exploration and documentation of Tjoarvekrájgge has been done in co-operation with numerous cavers from, among other countries, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Denmark and Great Britain. I was on the board of the Swedish Speleological Society SSF 1999 -- 2002, 2007 -- 2009, and then again from 2015 until present. I was its treasurer 2000 -- 2002, 2016 -- 2019 vice president, and from 2019 president. Since 2006, I am one of the editors for SSF:s journal Grottan. I was board member of Stockholms Grottklubb 2016 -- 2019 (treasurer) and Föreningen Geologins Dag 2016 -- 2020. I am also member of the Norwegian Cave Rescue Service Norsk Grotteredningstjeneste ("Responseteamet") since 2008, as well as Instructor in Alpine Caving Techniques (SRT).
I practiced jujutsu (originally a Japanese martial art) from 1994 to 2005 at Uppsala Ju-Jutsuklubb UJJK, and have attained black belt (1 dan, spring 2001). I have also practiced a little aikido, judo, and karate, and two years (2002-2004) of shorinjikempo at Rakutodoin in Kyoto where I reached 2 kyu under Morikawa sensei. I was junior instructor in jujutsu at UJJK between 1998 and 2001, and senior instructor 2001 -- 2002. I was treasurer at UJJK between 1998 and 2001.